O nama

SLOBODNO SRPSKI naziv je tok šou emisije autora Budimira Ničića, koja
se realizuje u produkciji  Medija centra u Čaglavici. Emisija se
emituje nedeljom od 17 časova na RTK2 kanalu, na kanalima nezavisne TV
Mreže: TV Mir, TV Puls, TV KIM i TV Herc nedeljom od 18 časova i na RTK1
kanalu sredom od 15 časova.

Reč je o jednočasovnom političkom intervjuu sa najpoznatijim
ličnostima kosovske stvarnosti, bilo da su oni predstavnici kosovskih
ili srpskih institucija, međunarodne zajednice ili civilnog društva.
Emisija je otvorena i za druge aktuelne tematske sadržaje, kao što je
zdravstvo, prosveta, kultura, mediji, civilno društvo…

U intervjuima,  autorski tim emisije Slobodno srpski pokušava da
otrkrije dublje odgovore na suštinska pitanja vezano za budućnost
kosovskog društva, potrebe i probleme svih građana, a posebno Srba i
drugih nealbanskih zajednica.

Pored gosta u emisiji, redovno se prikazuju i ankete sa građanima
Kosova srpske, albanske i ostalih nacionalnosti o pojavama koje su
predmet emisije.

Prva emisija Slobodno srpski emitovana je 10.10.2010. godine.


SLOBODNO SRPSKI is the title of the talk show of the author of Budimir Nicic, produced by Media center in Caglavica. The show is broadcasting on Sundays at 17h on RTK2 and on the channels of independent TV stations of TV Network: TV Mir, TV Puls, TV KIM and TV Herc on Sundays at 18h and on RTK1 on Wednesdays at 15h. 

It is about one hour of political interview with the most popular personas of Kosovo life, no matter are they presenting Kosovo or Serbian institutions, international community or civil society.

The show is open for other actual themes, like health, education, culture, media, civil society...

In the interviews, author team of Slobodno srpski is trying to discover deeper answers on main issues related to the future of Kosovo society, needs and problems of citizens with focus on Serbs and other non-Albanian communities.

Beside the guest in the show, regularly citizens are portrayed in the show through pop-vox where mainly Kosovo Serbs, Kosovo Albanians and other nationalities are talking about the theme of the show.

The first show of Slobodno srpski was broadcasted on 10th of October 2010.    



U.S. Agency for International Development